Man donates kidney to young girl in honor of his daughter

It’s a story of paying it forward in a truly stunning way... a man donated a kidney to a young girl he didn’t know, in honor of his daughter who was the recipient of a donated kidney... the thing is, his daughter passed away a year after her transplant. But he still found it in his heart to give back... or give forward, so to speak.

55-year-old, Andy Emmott, in England, just donated a kidney to save an 11-year-old girl he never met.  He did it three years after his daughter Sarah lost her own battle with kidney disease at age eight.

Someone gave Sarah a kidney back then while doctors were trying to save her.  Even though she didn’t make it, Andy still wanted to pay it forward.  Quote, “I donated a kidney because a kind stranger donated one to my daughter.”

What a selfless act.