The Number One Reason Why People Won't Venture into The Great Outdoors?

Got any adventures planned for this summer? A new poll reveals that 58% of us wish we were more adventurous, dreaming of activities like mountain climbing or camping in a national park. Many of us would embrace these adventures if they were easier and more luxurious.

When asked why they don’t venture into nature more often, the top reason given was bugs. In fact, 56% cited “insects and pests” as a major deterrent, followed by concerns about encountering wildlife. It turns out we’re more worried about mosquitoes than bears. Other common concerns include getting lost, lack of bathroom facilities, and running out of food or water.

Interestingly, 41% of us have an “adventure bucket list,” with top destinations being Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. Ideally, we hope to check everything off by age 56. But, considering the persistent issue of bugs, many of us might not follow through on these adventurous aspirations. After all, who knew a tiny mosquito could be more terrifying than a bear?